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We’re proud to announce publication of:

Daniel Hill Zafren

This novel is the touching story about old people, their feelings, desires, dreams, and expectations. Despite physical and mental shortcomings, impending death inspires a clarity about the people and events that affect them. This tale leads the reader with keen insight close to some very special old folks who experience deep emotions and values. The book will instill an admiration and respect for those who are concerned about and care for the elderly.

Glimpses of Forgotten Dreams
Daniel Hill Zafren

ISBN 13: 978-0-9778893-8-9

100 pages

"Special" price of $10.00 each, if you buy any two or more books direct from the publisher.

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TIME TREASURES BOOKS offers quality works of fiction and nonfiction.  It has also undertaken to reprint a series of substantial children’s books as classics that fulfill the publisher’s guiding principle.



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