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We’re proud to announce publication of:

Daniel Hill Zafren

Here is another distinct and absorbing novel from this prolific author. It explores a remarkable friendship from the teen years between three female musicians. This touching story reveals the substance and power of that relationship as it embraces them through every facet of their lives. It also affirms the meaning of family and celebrates the rewards of humane endeavors.

This is the eighth novel written by Daniel Hill Zafren since his retirement in 1998 as the Director of Legal Research at the Law Library of Congress. Much of his inspiration now comes from the surroundings of his log home high in the mountains of North Carolina.

Echo in the Heart
Daniel Hill Zafren

ISBN 13: 978-0-9833042-0-3

126w pages

"Special" price of $10.00 each, if you buy any two or more books direct from the publisher.

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TIME TREASURES BOOKS offers quality works of fiction and nonfiction.  It has also undertaken to reprint a series of substantial children’s books as classics that fulfill the publisher’s guiding principle.



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